Holy Toledo this was a tough tough week at camp. We had more youth here this week, than the camp has seen in the last 2 years combined! All together we had 38 kids!!! Most of the kids that were there this week have been coming to camp for 4 or 5 years, and apparently the camp has made some dramatic changes--changes that those kids don't like. So it was tough dealing with kids who were used to getting away with things that we were told not to let them get away with, and on top of that, they were just plain rowdy.
I'm mostly talking about the boys, by the way. They were crazy, and they liked to have fun. I like to have fun, but jumping off of the roof of the pavilion does not
sound like fun to me. Once again, I was known as the mean counselor to a lot of these boys simply because I wouldn't let them do what they wanted to do (like talk during worship, hit other people, throw rocks, stick shaving cream in people's ears, and throw people into the pool). Some of the boys even said that they hated camp because the counselors never let them have any fun. Oh well. It's not all about having fun, it's about praising God. Yes we do have fun while we worship, but it shouldn't be all about having fun. God deserves all the glory!

We had a group of about 12 kids from a local church come this week and they were ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!! They showed us all the respect that we asked for and more. They set such a good example for the crazier kids--in fact, there were a few times that they calmed the others down. They loved to worship, they loved to sing, they loved performing the skits, and they just absolutely melted my heart with their kindness. I think had they not been there, the crazy boys would have driven me into madness!
The girls were a different story. They were so sw
eet and so caring. I have ZERO complaints about our girls. Holy moly they were wonderful! We started with 6 girls in my cabin, but one of them got hurt and decided to go home early, and her cousin who was also in our cabin left with her. So we ended up with four for the week. But then, in the evenings, two of our girls had softball games and practices that they couldn't miss, so for a few hours each days we only had 2 girls to take care of. But all of them were so sweet and kind and FUNNY!!! The last night we just went stupid and started getting "ghetto" and then we were indians. And then we were ghetto indians. "Oh no you dinnet, guh. HOW"

Overall, it was really an AMAZING camp experience. It was tough and it definitely tried my patience, but it was great. I'm so glad that youth week is just before my week long break! Now I have a full week to recuperate before we go back for another week of 2nd grade through 6th grade. Then the week after that is day camp and the evenings will be just me, the counselors, and the swimming pool! I can't wait!
Welcome to our world! Only we don't have 40 teens, but sometimes it sure feels like it! Sorry this past week was a rough one, but next week will be better...of course it will, you'll be home the whole week and can clean and cook! :)* Have I told you how happy I am that you're home? :)
Hey Mabry! I am sorry it was such a rough week! It can be very hard being the one to discipline the kids, but rules are made for a reason and have to be followed. Enjoy your week at home and be refreshed in the Lord, air conditioning, a real shower and your own bed! Camp makes you appreciate many things, doesn't it? I will be praying for you, the other counselors and the campers next week. I LOVE hearing that children are giving their lives to the Lord. I cannot wait to get more salvation updates. Love you!!!
Hey Mabes! Well, I'm late reading your blog...by now you're finishing up a week at home. So I pray you are refreshed and ready for next week! Can you believe it's already JULY?
Way to go on the discipline...it's hard seeing kids get out of control and taking advantage of people. So many times I have to remind myself that my efforts are not going to change them...it has to come from the HOME. Can you imagine the patience those teachers have to have? So...do ya wanna be a high school teacher? ;)
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