I really do love him. I love his music, his style, his cute little face; and his VOICE is flipping AMAZING!! I went to his concert--twice--and not a moment went by that I was bored. FOR THREE HOURS--I was entertained--I was able to focus my attention on ONE thing for three hours!! It's amazing! He's amazing.
Just hearing his voice--just thinkingo of him sometimes-- sends me into an involuntary shriek of excitement and I can't help but squeeze my hiney cheeks together and flap my hands. My friends tease me about my "Michael Buble" dance. Alyssa told me that I'd be the only person in the history of Michael Buble concerts to have to leave the concert in an ambulance because of wrist fractures.
The other day I walked into Cato's to go shopping, and I literally stopped in my tracks and began "the dance" the second I heard his voice over the speaker. The lady behind the counter asked me if everything was okay and I all I could say is, "I'm fine. I'm just in love." :) I say that I'm going to marry him one day. In fact, Michael Buble is my baby's daddy.
But theres something that a lot of people don't know. Michael
Buble doesn't deserve me. Sure, he's gorgeous. Sure, his voice is AMAZING. Sure, he's famous. Sure. He's got great talent and is loved by many people in the world. But he doesn't deserve me.

The one guy in the world who deserves me may be gorgeos, he may have an AMAZING voice, and who knows, maybe he'll be famous! But there's something he will have that Michael Buble doesn't have. And that's a desire to be known as a child of God. Michael may be a Christian, but he doesn't speak openly about it. My man will have an open relationship with Christ and be humble and be completely God centered!
I thank God every day for Michael Buble and his amazing voice. And I thank God every day for the reminder that Michael Buble is not enough for me. :)
He's cute though, isn't he?
You're right, he DOESN'T deserve you! (But I bet if he offered you wouldn't turn him down!)
You make me so happy, Mabry...even when you're worrying the snot out of me! :)
(I deleted the other post just 'cause I wanted to edit it but didn't know how!)
Glad you fixed your blog so I can comment!
Have I told you that YOU ROCK????
You keep that good head on your shoulders, Mabry...God's already preparing your hubby!
I can just see you flinging your wrists...that cracks me up!
And yes, he is cute!
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